17 Feb Dear White Castle
Why do you hate me so much? I know I didn’t grow up with you, so I’ve developed no means of guarding my stomach against the trouble that you’re known to cause an intestine or two. I can understand why you are an acquired taste, given that your ingredients are quite possible harvested from a dumpster in war-torn Chechnya. It’s ok – it’s a tough economy. What I don’t understand is why, after years of gazing up the drive-thru franchise in the Bronx, when I chose to first set foot in one of your stores, you would make me feel welcome with an assault? I know that that homeless guy must have been frustrated, but did he really need to throw a box of Chicken Rings at my head? Wasn’t the indigestion going to be enough pain for one day? I just don’t understand.
If I can muster the strength to try it again, I’ll hit up your location across from my alma mater on Fordham Road. Clearly they have a more welcoming environment, what with their internationally-themed menu choices. I prize diversity and a lack of violence in my fast-food dining experience, and as such, think that this would be a better match.
Yours truly,
PS. I completely understand setting up shop next to Pete’s Cafe. They have been overrated for a long time, and this coming from a girl who ate the rehydrated scrambled eggs at the Fordham cafeteria.
Posted at 19:11h, 17 FebruaryNo mention of our visit to Trattatoria La Mafioso, the welcome home party for Pvt.Pyle, the largest plate of food I’ve ever attempted to finish, your more than generous glass of red wine or our aromatic tour of Fordham Road and the Metro North station?….One of the hundreds of wonderful days of adventure I’ve been privileged to spend with you.
Posted at 12:40h, 25 FebruaryRemember when we got the frozen version for our junk food feast at my parents house. Those did not go down well either.
Posted at 14:47h, 25 FebruaryMan, that was a bad call if ever there was one. I think we need to work on a slider recipe that doesn’t cause severe intestinal pain and then ween the masses off of White Castle.
Posted at 13:48h, 04 MarchUmmmm I liked Pete’s! Those grilled cheese and chicken souvlaki platters were great for times when Angela wasn’t cooking. Ugh – those eggs were AWFUL! I will say that White Castle on the way home from Alumni Hall was always a good call.