Angela Gunder | Designer, Educator, Mentor, Collaborator and Storyteller
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Meet Angela Gunder

A transformative leader working at the intersection of digital learning, access, and academic innovation.

Welcome to the professional home of Dr. Angela Gunder on the web. This site is a collection of her reflections and artifacts from her work in academic innovation and educational access.  Learn more about her current initiatives and projects, explore the topics that she’s speaking on, and reach out to discover ways for you to connect with Angela on potential collaborations in the future.


Explore a curated collection of Angela’s recent work across a diverse set of themes and areas of impact.

Angela’s professional, academic, and creative initiatives have managed to intersect in synergistic ways throughout her entire career, surfacing the power of collaboration and connection in her advocacy and change work.  Explore her work pushing the edges and boundaries of formal and informal education through the lens of inclusion and engagement.

  • Focal Areas

    • Strategic Advising
    • Academic Research
    • Instructional Design
    • Community Engagement
    • Teaching + Mentorship
    • Community Engagement
    • Public Speaking + Podcasting

Opened Culture

One of Angela’s primary roles is leading a pioneering collaboratory and strategic consultancy, Opened Culture (OEC). Learn more about the work of OEC in expanding access to education through the sustainable building of cultures of openness across communities and academic institutions across the globe.

Connections and Collaborations

Contact Angela for more information on her current work and the ways that you might collaborate with her.