Angela Gunder | Projects
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About Her Work

A lifelong learner and a passionate advocate for storytelling as a connective tool for enacting generative change, Angela’s portfolio of work features a diverse collection of projects ranging from strategic advising, research, public speaking, teaching, designing, and building community engagement opportunities for educators around the globe. Explore the project descriptions below to learn more about where her work is taking her currently.

Current Projects

Research and Publications

Bridging Innovation and Access: Academic Innovation to
Advance Student Success in Undergraduate STEM Education

Co-authored commissioned paper for the Committee on Equitable and Effective Teaching in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Framework for Institutions, Educators and Disciplines of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Math

Leading the AI Revolution: The Crucial Role of HBCUs in Steering AI Leadership
Co-authored report published by the Online Learning Consortium, WICHE Cooperative for Education Technologies, and Complete College America

OLC Framework for Comprehensive Design, Equitable Implementation, and Continuous Improvement of AI Strategy
Authored framework for empowering educators in the ethical and inclusive integration of AI

Generative AI and the Posthuman Learner
Co-PI on research study at The University of Arizona

Faculty and Student Perspectives on Formative Assessment Practices
Co-PI on research study at The University of Arizona

Teaching and Training

STARTALK Digital Learning Institute for Critical Language Educators
Facilitator for this prestigious institute funded by the National Security Agency to increase the number of exemplary critical language instructors in the U.S.

Educause Teaching and Learning Symposium
Facilitator for this community event on generative AI and how educators must balance technology and humanity

AI Literacies Courses for The University of Arizona College of Information Science
Curriculum developer for two general education courses for the UA on digital and information literacies in the age of generative AI

Projects from Opened Culture

In addition to her broad work in digital learning, Angela leads projects through her collaboratory, Opened Culture (OEC), that focus on the collaborative, innovative, and engagement practices that help to sustain cultures of openness at educational communities and institutions across the globe. You can learn more about the current projects of OEC on their website.